Nearby Attractions
Centrally located in downtown Crosby, Cuyuna Retreat is ideal home away from home for working and vacationing in the Crosby / Ironton area.

Cuyuna Country State Rec Area
The Cuyuna Country state recreation area is home to a plethora of outdoor activities ranging from mountain biking, scuba diving, lake beach going, kayaking, canoeing in the summer to ice fishing, snowmobiling, fat biking and cross country skiing in the winter.
The park is built in iron ore mining country with a plethora of mine relics, mine lakes formed by the natural filling of open pit mines and tailing piles turned into epic swoopy downhill trails.
Check out all the park has to offer here.
Get your maps ahead of time here.
Check current trail conditions here.

SCUBA Diving
The recently filled mine lakes provide some of the best visibility for SCUBA divers in the Midwest. The pictured divers are in the Alstead Mine Lake, which is 140 feet deep and loaded with a wide variety of fish to observe. Approximately 50,0000 rainbow and brook trout are stocked annually for anglers. Mahnomen Mine Lake is the deepest mine lake in the recreation area at 525 feet.
Additional details can be found on DiveBuddy and on the Pickles Travel Blog.
The Cuyuna area is home to some great Minnesota fishing. In and around Crosby you will find 16 mine lakes, 6 natural lakes and a dozen species of fish including Brook, Brown, Lake and Rainbow Trout, Northern Pike, Walleye, Large and Smallmouth Bass, Crappie and Bluegill (Sunfish).
You can find more details and book a guide if you're new to the sport at Oars-N-Mine.

CRMC - Crosby
Located on the Medical Campus in Crosby, the clinic is a family-focused, multi-specialty physician clinic representing Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Podiatry, Orthopaedics, Audiology, Psychology, General Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery and Obstetrics/Gynecology.
Other specialties/services include Audiology, Psychology, Dermatology, ENT, ENT/Plastics, Oncology, Rheumatology, and Urology. The clinic has been a premier provider of healthcare services in the north central region of Minnesota for nearly 50 years.
More details can be found here.
Fat Biking
Get out with your friends and family for some phenomenal groomed trail fat biking. The Cuyuna trails are the perfect place to try it out for the first time with the local bike shops carrying substantial rental fleets every winter.
We keep Cuyuna Retreat stocked with chemical heat for your hands and feet when the temperatures dip to the colder side. We use them a fair amount because our favorite temperature ranges to fat bike in is between -5 and 10 F.
Trail maps are here. During the 2021/2022 winter, approximately 40 miles of trail was groomed.
Fat Bike Rentals can be found at the Red Raven or CYKEL bike shops.

XC Skiing and Snowshoeing
In addition to the groomed mountain bike targeted trails which are great for and frequently used for snowshoeing and xc skiing, there are many more area trails you can explore. We love the Larson Lake trails in the winter for XC skiing and in the fall for trail running.
Details about many of the nearby cross country ski trails can be found here.
Ski and Snowshoe rentals can be found at the Red Raven.
Hallett Center of Crosby
Just 6 blocks from Cuyuna Retreat is the Hallett recreation center. This place is jam packed with awesome opportunities including:
Ice Hockey
Swimming, Water slide
Free Weights and weight machines
Cardio machines of all types
Group fitness studio classes
Meeting rooms
Just to name a few. This is an excellent resource for when the weather turns bad, you need a change of pace or you just want to socialize with some really nice Crosby/Ironton natives.
All of the details can be found here.